Cooperative Inquiry System

A communication system for soliciting and sharing information on state level activities relating to the employment of people with disabilities.

Do you need:

More detailed information on state policies and practices?

Examples of promising programs?

Examples of successful partnerships?

Access to model programs or procedures?

State-level contacts?

Communication with your peers?

The Cooperative Inquiry System can help!

Survey Results

The results from the Cooperative Inquiry System’s first three surveys are now available:

Outcome measurement responses – available in both Microsoft Word and PDF

Sector strategies responses – available in both Microsoft Word and PDF

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act responses – available in both Microsoft Word and PDF

Reauthorization of WIA: Title I responses – available in both Microsoft Word and PDF

Self-employment responses – available in both Microsoft Word and PDF

State as model employer responses – available in both Microsoft Word and PDF

Disability Program Navigator initiative responses – available in both Microsoft Word and PDF

Employment First Initiatives responses – available in both Microsoft Word and PDF

Employment Networks responses – available in both Microsfot Word and PDF

What is the Cooperative Inquiry System?

The Cooperative Inquiry System (CIS) is an activity of the NTAR Leadership Center’s State Peer Leaders Network. Recognizing the value of state to state information exchange, the CIS is designed to facilitate the collection and dissemination of state-specific information on policies, practices, and partnerships relating to the employment of people with disabilities. The CIS is operated by the partners in the NTAR Leadership Center consortium and includes the members of the State Peer Leaders Network (SPLN).

How does the Cooperative Inquiry System work?

The CIS will use a quarterly web-based survey of the SPLN members to gather information in response to a specific question or set of questions. These questions will be generated by SPLN members themselves. Questions might also come from NTAR Center consortium partners. Once questions are received and organized into a survey format, they will be distributed to the SPLN members. Members will have several weeks to respond. Survey responses will be compiled and shared with the State Peer Leaders Network as a whole.

What kinds of questions can I pose to the Cooperative Inquiry System?

The CIS welcomes a wide variety of questions related to the employment of people with disabilities. Questions might address policy issues such as state policies on the use of incumbent worker training funds or state as model employer legislation; practice issues such as training for job developers; or issues relating to partnerships and collaboration such as effective procedures for interagency memorandum of understanding. We also encourage questions that relate to the NTAR Leadership Center’s five guiding principles.

How do I submit my questions?

To submit a question to the CIS, please email your question(s) to Nanette Relave at [email protected]. We are actively seeking questions from State Peer Leaders Network members.